Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Meet the family

This is just a little bit about my family.  I love to show them off ;)

I have a wonderful husband, Brian...
But he has to be.  He wouldn't be able to put up with me if he wasn't.  I'm quite a handful.

Here's the lovable, furry Grover P. Cleveland...
He's quite a handful, too.  What does the P stand for you ask?  Just like Fred G. Sanford, it varies.  Sometimes it stands for precious, other times pest.  Once, it even stood for philanderer :O

Finally, here's the newest addition, Connor...
In this picture, he's eleven weeks old and weighs about nine pounds.  Everyone says he's so small, which he is, but he's a giant compared to what he looked like when he was born...
He was born two and a half months early and weighed two pounds twelve ounces.  He spent forty-three days in the NICU.  He is smart, loves to be held, and already has a fantastic sense of humor.  He is perfect in every way.

The story behind Connor's birth is a long one, which I do intend to tell.  My whole pregnancy, I searched for someone who was going through the same thing I was, and I never found anyone.  So I'm going to tell it now, because I don't know that many people knew what all went on.  But I'll get to that tomorrow, in between diaper changes and making sure Grover isn't tearing apart the bedspread or something.

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